Sunday, February 8, 2009

Weekend with Allen

Allen loomed large in my weekend. And Allen has a lot to answer for - where would the RTA be without Allen.

I'm not talking about the Roads and Traffic Authority, but Ready To Assemble furniture. The Allen in question is, of course, the Allen Key. Little tool - a lot of time, angst, sweat and tears.

XY7 and XY3 now have each have a loft bed in their shared room thanks to the humble allen key and my not-so-humble partner who was a whiz at deciphering the RTA instructions and putting the beds together. It was a big challenge - especially in the heat we've all been sweltering in - so only one bed could be assembled on any one day! Getting in and knocking it over in one hit was just a little too logical for my adult (?) XY. You can't rush these things.

I was the trade assistant and he was the foreman you could say. Mmmm, not a dynamic designed to generate domestic calm...but all tempers were kept in check. I got to do the fetching of the various components and deal with the clean up of umpteen plastic bags, four large boxes, styrofoam, cardboard and packing strips the RTA beds were delivered in. I also made the cups of tea, did the usual household chores and ensured we still had three meals a day while also keeping an eye on the young XYs.

I must say that if it was solely left to me the boys would not now be happily asleep in their new beds. I'd still be working on them. I made a mental note never buy more than one piece of RTA furniture at any given time if I can help it!

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Things I like

  • Being eco-aware
  • Chocolate
  • Generosity
  • Good food and good wine
  • Kindness and courtesy
  • Laughing out loud
  • Openminded people
  • People who are true to themselves
  • Spending time with friends
  • Sunshine and blue skies

Things I don't like

  • Broken promises
  • Pointless arguments
  • Uncontrolled anger
  • Homelessness
  • Poverty
  • War and conflict
  • Lightning and thunder
  • Small minded people
  • Discrimination on any basis
  • Over inflated egos
  • Mean-spirited people