Friday, July 31, 2009

Just perfect right now

There's been quite a few media reports this week on how Generation Y should not be too fussy about their first job.

Today we learned that Prime Minister Kevin Rudd once cleaned loos at a sawmill on his way to Australia's top job. He also flipped hamburgers and worked on hospital wards as well as in a supermarket and pulled beers in a pub.

The PM was right to say that different job experiences are a part of growing up. It certainly does broaden your outlook in life - and what can be the harm in that when you're in your late teens or early 20s starting your working life?

My first job was working part-time in a mixed business when I was in Year 10 at high school. I helped prep and cook hamburgers, fish and chips, served customers with fruit and veg, milk, bread and other essentials. I enjoyed it but I knew it wasn't something I wanted to do the rest of my life...and a learnt a lot including the difference between jap, butternut and Queensland blue pumpkins!

I don't think you can underrate any work experience.

However, I don't think it's just Generation Y that's afflicted with so-called job snobbery. People of many different ages simply don't seem prepared to take on a job that is anything less than their idea of what's perfect for them.

Sometimes in life you just have make the best of what's on offer right now. Do the best you can for yourself today in getting a job and see whether tomorrow may offer something better when tomorrow comes.

I think this all ties in with the general unwillingness society today seems to have with waiting for what they want. No one seems to buy a two-bedroom renovator's delight as their first home - they go into huge debt for a four bedroom plus study brick veneer McMansion. No one saves up for major household purchases - you just get them on no deposit, no interest, no payments for 48 months offers from major retailers or put them on your credit card so you can have them now.

Didn't someone wise once say: ``Good things come to those who wait''?


Farmers Wifey said...

I know what you mean, I am 42 and are only just getting the house I want lolol My first job was when I was 14 and 9 months, as a check out chick! I worked Thursday night and Saturday mornings, before extended trading came in. I loved that job, it was great to earn my own money.....

Kate Moore said...

Oh God. This is a big discussion among my friends and in our house at the moment. Too BIG.

Things I like

  • Being eco-aware
  • Chocolate
  • Generosity
  • Good food and good wine
  • Kindness and courtesy
  • Laughing out loud
  • Openminded people
  • People who are true to themselves
  • Spending time with friends
  • Sunshine and blue skies

Things I don't like

  • Broken promises
  • Pointless arguments
  • Uncontrolled anger
  • Homelessness
  • Poverty
  • War and conflict
  • Lightning and thunder
  • Small minded people
  • Discrimination on any basis
  • Over inflated egos
  • Mean-spirited people